How Much It Would Cost To Rent Buckingham Palace?
As it turns out, Buckingham Palace, with its 775 rooms and close proximity to central London, is at the top of the price list for rentals.
I think that all of us would appreciate living like royalty from time to time but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we want to foot the bill. That becomes painfully clear when we look at the analysis from UNCLE, as they tell us how much it would cost to rent a royal home.
UNCLE is in a good position to analyze this data because they are a rental company based in the UK. They took a look at some of the more prestigious and famous royal residences, including Buckingham Palace, to determine how much they would cost each month for rent.
They poured over various data, including looking at floor plans from other properties that are close to the royal home. By coming up with a good average per square meter in rental costs, they could transfer it over to the royal home with at least some degree of accuracy.
As it turns out, Buckingham pPlace, with its 775 rooms and close proximity to central London, is at the top of the list. If you wanted to rent Buckingham Palace for a month, it’s going to cost you about $3,600,000!
St. James comes in second, at about $2,450,000 per month. Even though it is only about 25% of the size of Buckingham Palace, the rental is more expensive per meter because it is so close to St. James Park and Mayfair.
If you can’t afford the price tag for St. James or Buckingham Palace, maybe you could rent Windsor Castle for about $1,800,000 per month.
Then again, you could always opt for Kensington Palace if you only had about $200,000 per month of expendable cash lying around.
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