12 Life Hacks So Simple You’ll Be Shocked You Didn’t Think of Them Yourself
So easy, yet so efficient!
6) Organize Your Cleaning Supplies
Use a shoe organizer to hold cleaning supplies all within easy reach inside a closet. This is a great idea because your even odd-sized items like dusters and spray bottles can fit into the pouches. No more digging in the dark under the sink if you use this storage solution.
5) Coded Keys
Don’t waste money on colored keys or key holders – just paint them with different colors of nail polish to keep them straight. If you’re anything like us then you probably have a huge selection of nail polishes at home to try this with!
4) Organize Cords
Use empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls to organize cords in a box. These improvised sleeves keep everything nice and tidy.
3) Cover Scratches
Rub a walnut into scratches on furniture and watch them disappear. The natural oils will help to blend away the marks by filling in the divots with a material similar in tone to the wood.
2) Find a Use for Those Bread Bag Rings
If you have flip flops that have a lose hole where the toe piece straps in, you can use those little plastic bread bag rings on the underside to help get a few more wearings out of them!
1) Keep Two Cords Together
Tie 2 cords together to keep them from unplugging (this works well for extension cords or Christmas lights.
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