10 Fond Memories From Dinner Tables Past
If you grew up in the ’50s, ’60s or ’70s, chances are this will bring back a lot of memories!
Dressing Up For Dinner
While we would save our most fancy duds for Sunday dinners or special occasions, mom always made sure we were washed up and wearing a clean shirt before we came to the dinner table. We hated it at the time, but looking back, it was probably not very hygienic to wear the clothes we had been in all day while we were climbing trees and playing in the grass!
Sunday Dinner
Sunday dinners were the best meals of the week. Usually, mom spent a lot of time fixing up something special (my personal favorite was her pork chops). The family was home all day, and before we ate we would go upstairs and put on our Sunday best. Sometimes, extended family would come over, and it was just great to have such a semi-formal gathering each week.
Proper Table Manners
Using proper dinner etiquette was a requirement in my house, especially if we had company. A few things I still do this day include putting the napkin in my lap, saying excuse me if I had to leave the table, never reaching across someone for a dish, and of course, chewing with my mouth closed. It seems that table manners are not nearly as much of a priority these days as they were when we were growing up. (No elbows on the table, young man!)
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