Dinners of the Decades- a Look at How Much Supper Has Changed Over the Years

These dishes bring back wonderful memories of sitting down with the family to eat.


The decade was full of changes and the cocktail party was staple of neighborhood life for many people. This meant a variety of new recipes were coming into play for average folks. Never before had such varied tastes all adorned one table at the same time. Upscale dishes like chicken cordon bleuand creme de menthe parfait graced menus and offered a taste of new flavors.

Via/ State Archives of Florida

Another staple that became popular during this time was spaghetti. Before brands like Chef Boyardee many Americans had only a passing acquaintance with Italian food, if any at all.

Via/ Internet Archive

Cold dishes like savory jello molds and chicken salad continued to hold pride of place on many a summertime menu, especially with the low price and mass availability of a huge variety of canned vegetables.

Via/ Flickr

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