10 Totally 1950s Pineapple Recipes
These blast from the past recipes remind that the ’50s was the decade of the pineapple.
Some of these recipes have become classics and others not so much, but all of them use one of modern America’s most favorite canned fruits- the pineapple. Moms, housewives, and chefs experimented with all manner of combinations to create new desserts and salads from this wonder fruit, newly available on grocery store shelves.
4) Pineapple Upside Down Cake
This classic dessert never goes out of style and remains a favorite for many of us! Get the recipe right here.
5) Tropicana Salad
This one couldn’t be simpler- just combine pineapple and cottage cheese. But, this dish gets a little fancier by making the pineapple rings form a sandwich around the cottage cheese and the whole thing is topped with strawberries.
6) Merry-go-round Salad
Our old friend the Tropicana Salad gets a major makeover in this recipe from the addition of tomato sauce, gelatin, and onion juice! This sounds like a good one for those who find just pineapple and cottage together to be boring.
Click NEXT PAGE to view more of these totally ’50s pineapple recipes!
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