5 Of The Strangest Items We’ve Ever Seen Up For Auction.

Some pretty unusual items come up for auction and we’re often amazed to find out what they sold for. Here are a few the craziest auction items we’ve seen lately.

1) The King’s Dirty Shorts

Via/ Wikimedia Commons

Ok, so this one isn’t exactly in the same league. A pair of Elvis Presley’s underpants were offered at auction in 2012 along with some other objects relating to the King. The other items sold, but the stained underwear didn’t have a taker. Of all the weird things that go up for auction, we thought surely this one would have fetched a good price. You can read moreabout it and see the soiled undies in question for yourself. But, don’t say we didn’t warn you!

We hope you enjoyed our odd and unusual auction items. If you love amazing finds, check out this bowlthat went from $3 to $2.2M!ยป

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