We’ve all got those people in our lives that we love to pieces and spend a lot of time with, but with whom we argue constantly. Such is the case with Genevieve Musci (AKA Gramma) and Arlene Bashett (AKA Ginga) of West Virginia. Born to Italian immigrants, the pair have been bickering for decades and show no signs of stopping any time soon.

Videos of the sisters quarreling bitterly have been going viral lately as they never seem to find anything to not argue about! While it looks harsh, their families seem to be totally used to it at this point.

The video below is from 2015, but the two sisters (as of this writing) are indeed still alive and still arguing just like this every single day. Genevieve is 105-years-old while Arlene is 100-years-old. Watch the two in action as they argue about candy, old photos, and hearing aids of all things!

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