If you’re a hot dog fan (or live in a household full of hot dog fans) then you know how annoying it can be to make a hot dog in the microwave, when it can get wrinkly and burnt so easily. Then you’re putting the warmed hot dog into a cold bun and it can cool things down too quickly. And, most people don’t want to fire up the stovetop to boil just one hot dog or the broiler to toast just one bun.

Now there’s a toaster which heats up both the bun and hot dog at the same time.


This type of countertop toaster comes in a few striking retro designs from various companies, and different sizes for making two or four hot dogs with buns at a time. The contraption may seem like a novelty, but if you have kids or grandkids who love their dogs then this might not be such a bad investment.

The dogs get warmed in a basket which keeps them vertical and prevents movement. The buns get toasted in separate half-moon chambers which have a little more insulation from the heat than the dog basket does.

Via/ YouTube

But, the real question is this: do the dogs come out hot enough and do the buns burn in the process?

Have a look at a full review and demonstration of this gadget in the video below.

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