11) Cosmo Kramer

With those, ahem…graceful movements and sly plans, Cosmo Kramer was an instant hit with viewers. He was weird, funny, and oddly more practical than many of the other characters on Seinfeld. His vintage duds and waved hair also gave him a look that completely distinct for the 90s. It was particularly amusing when he played Mr. Pennypacker! In a crew of neurotic, but fairly straight-laced characters, Kramer was the most unique character.

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12) Fresh Prince

As one of the most fashionable characters on TV at the time, the Fresh Prince put a little zing into a sometimes boring TV line up. While the fashion was on point, the plot lines were always energetic enough to support such a strong character, which ensured that The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air never felt slow. Carlton gets an honorable mention as well, if only for the sweaters and the dancing.

13) Xena

This sword-wielding warrior woman defined the 90s for female action stars much as Wonder Woman had done in the 70s. With her leather armor and hair always down, Xena was the fierce female leader that TV was lacking at the time. Xena Warrior Princess was not a hit exactly, but this cult show proved popular with those who loved mythology stories and unconventional heroes.

14) Steve Urkel

One of the most-quoted TV characters of all time, Steve Urkel from Family Ties embodied all of the stereotypes about smart kids into one giant nerd cliche in suspenders. With a voice you can’t forget, Urkel provides the physical comedy for what is otherwise just a straight-forward show about a family living together. From the glasses to the high water jeans, Urkel has a unique fashion sense that probably inspired at least a few kids out there!

15) Buffy Summers

Another show with a cult-following, there are many who maintain the Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the best characters on TV. She’s brutal, fair, and determined to fight for the forces of good and to crush the many soulless vampires and evil monsters that plague the earth. Not only is she the kind of supernatural force that would have made high school far less boring, she’s a good person as well.

16) Dr. Sam Beckett

Traveling through time to become a variety of important and unimportant figures, Sam Beckett was a hero of sorts. He always does the right thing in the end and seems to get it done just before his body and soul are transported once more to the next incarnation. Though he is intended to scientific-minded, what we love most about Beckett is the compassion he embodies in every episode. Quantum Leap was very indicative of the 80s and 90s, even if it wasn’t exactly a plausible scenario. You can watch the opening credits, complete with cool animations, below.

Who were your favorite TV characters? Let us know in the comments.

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