Dog Given Up For Being Too Affectionate Finally Finds The Perfect Loving Home.
“She always wants to be by my side.”
This story originally appeared at InspireMore.
There is no such thing as “loving too much,” but sometimes the way we express our love could use some improvement.
Such was the case for a 1-year-old dog named Jubilee. Jubilee was surrendered to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas, by her former owner, who claimed the dog was too clingy to fit into their home and lifestyle. “She always wants to be by my side,” Jubilee’s former owner complained to the shelter.
“He had a whole list of other reasons for turning her in: ate his sofa, chewed a baseboard, a cushion, etc.,” statedMinda Emas Harris, rescue coordinator for the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. “He brought her to a shelter, hoping we would do what we are supposed to do — find her a home.”
After the shelter shared Jubilee’s tale on their social media pages and news organizations picked up the story of the dog who loved too much, adoption applications began flooding into the shelter. More than 35,000 people read and shared Jubilee’s story and submitted their requests to give the dog a home where she could achieve her goal of being inseparable with her family.
Samantha Fewox was the lucky person whose adoption application was accepted, and she couldn’t wait to provide Jubilee with the forever home she deserves. “It touched me. She loved so much,” Samantha said. “I knew I was supposed to have her.”
The moment Jubilee entered the Fewox home she settled right in, taking a particular liking to Samantha’s teenage son right off the bat. “She loves him,” said Samantha. “She does stay right by your side.”
“I am so thankful he made the decision to do that or we would not have this sweet little dog in our life,” Samantha said. “I think it’ll all be great. I think it was meant to be.”
One look at Jubilee’s happy face and you can tell she loves her new people! It’s wonderful to see her in a place where she can lavish her affection on a family who wants to receive it just as much as she wants to give it! Thank you to the Fewoxes for showing her what a family really is.
The shelter is also grateful to Jubilee’s previous owner for turning her in and giving her a second shot. While some were quick to vilify the owner for giving the dog up, the fact of the matter is that not everybody has the time or attention for a dog with anxiety and separation issues like Jubilee’s. Matching up the right pet with the right owner is yet another wonderful way animal shelters provide an invaluable service to their communities.
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