Learn History With Replicas Of Historical Documents Delivered To You Every Month

When you subscribe, a historical document will be sent to you monthly and it follows a theme for four months. All of the replicas of historical documents are carefully wrapped in a plastic sleeve and information is also included that will introduce you to the material.

I think that we have become more accustomed to delivery services than we ever thought possible. It isn’t just a matter of ordering from Amazon and having it brought to your home, there are many services that you sign up for one time and reap the rewards month after month.

One of the unique delivery subscription services is History by Mail. It is similar to many delivery services because it drops something off at your home every month, but it is different because what it drops off are replicas of historical documents.

If you have an interest in history and would just like to learn a little bit more about where we came from, then History by Mail is a welcome addition to your home. It also makes a great gift!

Photo: Facebook/History By Mail

When you subscribe, a historical document will be sent to you monthly and it follows a theme for four months. At that point, the theme will change. Most of the information is about US history but there is also some info that can focus on foreign diplomacy or global issues.

The envelopes that are used to deliver the packages come with a historical stamp that is also associated with the theme.

All of the replicas of historical documents are carefully wrapped in a plastic sleeve and information is also included that will introduce you to the material. There may also be transcriptions of the documents if they are particularly difficult to read.

Photo: Facebook/History By Mail

These historical documents are a great way to introduce yourself to American history or perhaps just to expand your understanding of where we came from. These are not just haphazardly thrown together, the curators take their time and looking for documents that are really going to be interesting.

So what do you do when you are finished with the document? You can pass them on to a friend or perhaps keep them and begin a scrapbook. It’s an interesting thing to look back through on occasion, so don’t just toss them out when you’re done looking through them.

Photo: YouTube/ History By Mail

If you would like a single subscription and only get one month, you will have to pay seven dollars. For six months, you will pay $37 and the cost for a year is $72. It’s a great way to learn a little something about the world around you and you may even learn something about yourself in the process.

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