The Circus Was A Lot Different When We Were Kids!

Going to the circus was a big deal for us growing up. It wasn’t often we got to see it and there was so much fanfare around going.There aren’t many shows that can ever rival the magic of the circus! Here some of our favorite memories of going to the circus.

The Glittering Outfits

Unless you were raised by Vegas performers, the costumes at the circus would have been some of the most elaborate and sparkly you’d ever seen. We loved the elegant ballerina-style ones the best. It always amazed that such dangerous stunts could be done in such finery!

Via/ State Archives of Florida

The High Wire Acts

We loved everything about watching those graceful ladies fling themselves across the air or walking the tight rope with exquisite skill. The costumes, the hair, the high risk that maybe the net might not catch them. The stands would be filled with gasps and whispers of folks hoping for the best for these brave performers, the tension heightened by the drum roll. We would all breathe a collective sigh of relief when the act was over.

Via/ Everett Collection

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