20 Hysterically Cringeworthy Family Photos

All are beautiful… in their own way.

11. What? How? What is happening?

Via Instagram

12. The family dogs hate making eye contact with one another… but this timing is too perfect. Via Reddit[/caption]

13. When your puppet is a part of the family.

Via Reddit

14. “This was from a family trip to Universal Studios in 1976. I was obsessed with monsters. I made my poor family wait in line for this ‘family style’ photo op with the werewolf. The photographer told us to put our arms around him.”

Via Instagram

15. That feeling when your whole family kisses at midnight on New Year’s Eve but you wisely decline.

Via Instagram

16. Why they each have kittens in their pockets… we’ll never know.

Via Reddit

17. This is what happens when Grandma tries to fix Dad’s unhappy face, but she doesn’t know how to use Photoshop.

Via Instagram

18. “Fine. If you don’t want to be in it, then just stay over there.”

Via Instagram

19. Whatever you say.

Via Instagram

20. There are just… so, so many things to talk about. Where to start?

Via Reddit

At the end of the day, though, no matter how awkward your photos are, family is the biggest blessing. Tell them you’re thankful for them today by sharing this story with them!

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