3) Pyrex Storage Containers

Anyone who has ever had their plastic tubs go orange after holding spaghetti leftovers will know how much the glass of these little containers was valued. It’s a real shame they don’t make more containers like these today! And, nothing quite has that cute look like these Pyrex refrigerator containers.

Via/ Flickr

2) Dazzling Kitchen Clocks

They came in just about any design you could ever want from dogs to stoves to Dutch children to flowers and beyond. They made every kitchen just a little cheerier.

Via/ Ebay

1) Cake Breakers

Many young folks don’t even know what these are for today when they see them for sale. But, these handy tools really did a good job of cutting through layer cakes without destroying them. In those days layer cakes were the cat’s meow!

Via/ Ebay
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