2) Writing on the Chalkboard When You Got Into Trouble

As many classrooms don’t have chalkboards anymore, and as public punishment is considered cruel, this isn’t something most children today would have to do. The repetition of writing sentences as a punishment, in front of everyone was pretty embarrassing. And, then having to wash the board afterwards was like a second punishment! Kids today may only know about this punishment of yore from the Simpsons opening credits!

Via/Wikimedia Commons

1) The Weekly Reader

The last issue was produced in 2012, but the Weekly Reader had been in decline for many years before that for the very same reasons that all printed works have been. Back then, The Weekly Reader was practically a part of the curriculum! It was how we learned about current events and how we saw new children’s book titles. I swear I can still smell that ink, too!

Via/Library of Congress

There are a few we’d rather not re-live (100 sentences, anyone?), but some of these were just central to how learned at school back then. We remember those sights and smells and all those quirky things just like it was yesterday.

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