Nostalgic Clothing Items Which Are All But Forgotten Today
We miss these elegant styles.
When it comes to fashion in particular, nothing stays the same for long. What might be scandalous today could become tomorrow’s everyday must-have item. But, we really miss some of the clothes and accessories women used to wear. The classic, elegant looks we grew up with are a distant memory to many people these days, especially young people.
Clip-on Earrings
They were once the staple of any jewelry operation, but now you hardly see them anymore because everyone has pierced ears.
There’s a niche market for stockings these days, but most young ladies have never worn a garter belt.
Shoe Clips
The simple way to dress up plain pumps, these are getting harder to find, too.
We may not miss these exactly, but there certainly was nothing like a girdle to give the right shape under dresses. Today we have Spanx, but they don’t hold a candle to the lace-up, hook-and-eye, suspender clip girdles we remember from back in the day.
Click “Next Page” for more of these timeless styles that are fading away!
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