Check Out These Stove Toy Sets! What Sets Did You Play With?
Check Out These Stove Toy Sets! What Sets Did You Play With?
Raise your hand if you remember playing “house” when you were young. (We guess you don’t really have to raise your hands.) For any of you who recall those fun times, you’ll know that props and toys, while not essential to your activities, helped add to the charade and made the whole experience more real for you. We look back fondly on our doll houses and the joy they brought us, and these toy stove sets are no different! With them, we cooked up the most wild (possibly revolting?) imaginary concoctions and they instilled in us a love of cooking from an early age–although we have stopped including things like dirt in our recipes….
Check out these stove sets and feel free to let us know which toy sets you played with and enjoyed! And, of course, send in any photos of toy sets; we love seeing them!
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