It was a much different era when any individual or corporation with enough money could sponsor a beauty contest. Pageants of all sizes were held for any number of reasons: to publicize a new products or to bring people into a venue for a the shows, and a beauty contest certainly does draw a crowd. Back then, event organizers thought nothing at all of turning an actual competition into a beauty contest (Miss Archive and Miss Bicycle for some examples). America seemed to be crazed for competitions back then, and pretty girls in swimsuits seemed to be a good motivator for folks to go to a show. But, some of these contests seemed odd at the time and seem even odder now. Have a look at these bizarre beauty contests.
Miss Bobbed Hair
In 1925 in Coral Gables, Florida, there was a contest held for the most beautiful bobbed hair. Yes, that’s right. This new hairstyle for women was considered grotesque by the old folks, but to many it was a freeing and glamorous look. The contestants all had cropped hair and nearly all had drop-waist dresses. What a time to be alive!
National Sweater Queen
In New York in 1949, these beauties gathered to compete for the title of National Sweater Queen at the Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey, where many a beauty contest was held until its closure in 1971.
The “highlight” to National Sweater Week, we suspect that this contest was less about the sweaters and more about the bullet bras underneath them! Have a look at this cheeky film reel below.
Click the “Next Page” button to see Miss Tarpon and the girl with the Million Dollar Legs!
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