Kirsten Larson

Via American Girl

Kirsten, born in 1854, made her way from Sweeden with her family to settle in the praries of Minnesota. She overcomes the hardships of living life on the prarie. Kirsten is characterized as being brave, hardworking, and constantly curious about learning new skills. She is also a part of the original line of American Girl dolls released in 1986, and is worth about $650!


Via American Girl

Refered to as “Kaya,” this American girl is among the “oldest” of the collection, with a birth date of 1764. Her name means, “She who arranges rocks.” Kaya is a member of the Nez Perce tribe of the American Northwest. She is characterized by her bravery, resourcefullness, and loyalty to her friends. This doll goes for around $600!

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