7. Molds

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Popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, copper or tin molds were used in myriad ways. For the more affluent, copper was the material of choice, since it conducts heat more evenly than tin, plus makes for excellent decor when not in use; tin was used more commonly since it was more affordable, incredibly versatile and one could still get the same level of detail in the mold as the copper version.

Via / Flickr

If you’re thrifting and spy a kitchen section overflowing with molds, keep an eye out for versions that are more intricate or differently-shaped than typical versions today. Not only were molds for cakes popular, ones where you would pour a batter in and then pop it in the oven like a standard bundt, but molds with removable sides were common for making raised pies, as well as molds that have lids to close and trap in heat and steam. It’s always a safe bet (if affordable) to grab any tins you find if they’re unique in detail and/or have functional lids.

Remember: copper is only slightly magnetic, so if you have a magnet you can bring with you while you shop, you’ll be able to test any metal you find. It’s only copper if there’s no effect when you hold up the magnet (unless it’s a very strong magnet, in which case there might be some pull).

8. Cookie Cutters

Via / Flickr

Similar to molds, you can find some cookie cutters that are still extremely valuable these days, sometimes hundreds or thousands of dollars! Copper, tin or aluminum cookie cutters can be good finds, and again, you’re looking for intricate designs that differ from standard cookie cutter sizes: so either really big or really small. Aside from the material, you should keep an eye out for cookie cutters with flat wooden backs, or with (painted) handles…if you’re lucky, you could find one dating back to 1850 or earlier!

While there are plenty of vintage gems out there waiting to be found, it helps to have a more condensed round-up of brands or items to look for before you start your search. Hopefully you find this helpful and you’ll be one step closer to completing the vintage kitchen collection of your dreams!

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