10 Historical Facts They Didn’t Teach You In School

How many of these bizarre facts do you know?

Don’t Shoot!

Via Wikipedia

Speaking of the Civil War… the North and the South fought vicious, bloody battles and tore the country in half – both metaphorically and literally, for a time being. However, even in the midst of war, there was a strict code of conduct that was respected by both sides. One of the more unbelievably bizarre rules that everyone followed was to not shoot if someone was squatting to take a poop. It’s one thing to die in battle, but another thing entirely to be shot with your pants down, so to speak.

Deadly Mathematics

Via Wikimedia Commons

You probably remember learning about Pythagoras in school, or at the very least, you learned the Pythagorean Theorem (whether you remember it or not is a different story). It turns out good ol’ Pythagoras, while a genius in some respects, was also a bit of nut. He was known for actually killing people who didn’t agree with his mathematics. Pythagoras also believed that urinating while facing the sun was a serious sin to be punished by death. Bonus fact: he also didn’t believe in fractions or decimals.

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