10 Totally 1950s Pineapple Recipes
These blast from the past recipes remind that the ’50s was the decade of the pineapple.
A sought-after food around the world for centuries, pineapple earned a place in American cooking during the ’40s and ’50s as advances in farming, shipping, and canning made the exotic fruit more accessible to the average family. Suddenly crops of recipes utilizing the sweet and bright fruit could be found in magazines and recipe books. The result was that the’50s was a pineapple-mad decade!
1) Mint Pineapple Angel Food Cake
Mint with pineapple- what could possibly go wrong? The recipe suggestion calls for mint icing to frost an angel food cake and then the whole shebang is garnished with pineapple.
2) Economy Cones
Step 1- make a cone from lunch meat. Step 2- fill said cone with crushed pineapple. Step 3- bake until piping hot. This main dish is shown below on a bed of peas.
3) Pineapple Pie
There are few different ways to make this dessert, but this version is creamy and fluffy with a graham cracker crust.
Click NEXT PAGE to view more of these totally ’50s pineapple recipes!
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