The Bittersweet Goodbye & Welcome Home Kisses of WWI Soldiers Captured in Photos
These photos capture a time when soldiers kissed their sweeties at the train station.
The world was torn apart in 1914 when the troubles of World War I meant that most of Europe was embroiled in trench warfare. While the U.S. remained neutral until 1917, the delay gave young American men time to not only become energized for the fight ahead, but also gave them a glimpse of the kind of misery that lay before them.
While cameras were not nearly as common in 1917 as they would become in the years after the War, there exist a few special photographs of soldiers from around the world getting one last kiss before going off to war or getting a long-awaited smooch upon their return.
If you enjoyed this then click the “Next Page” button to see inside a WWI nurse’s own scrapbook!
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