Have You Seen This Senior Couple Dancing Yet? Be Prepared to Be Blown Away!
These two prove that youth is a state of mind!
This elderly couple has been dancing together for decades but they’re not slowing down anytime soon! The two swing dancers are Nellia and Dietmar Ehrentraut from Austria. In the video below you can see the pair jiving away at a dance contest in Bavaria in 2017. As anyone who dances can tell you, having a solid dance partner makes all the difference. But, something tells us these lively dancers would steal the show even if they weren’t dancing with each other!
They start out strong, but just wait until you see the moves these two hep cats do! There no question that youth and fun are a state of mind when you watch this viral pair. On the video of them making going viral with online audiences, the two have commented that they never expected to become a sensation. But, millions of people have so far viewed the video online. And for the record, they did win the contest! Have a look below and click here check out another dancing triumph from a legend in the swing dance community.
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