Mix Baby Powder And Elmer’s Glue For A Creative Way To Decorate Furniture!
We’re always looking for new and creative ways to give new life to old furniture.
We’re always looking for new and creative ways to give new life to old furniture! Whether it’s a piece we’ve picked up at our local thrift store or something we’ve had for a while that could use a fresh coat of paint, we can use all the help we can get. This fun idea has to do with textured paint. Sure, you can buy puffy paint at stores, but why do that when you can make your own for super cheap with products you probably already have on hand! Go ahead and get the step-by-step directions below!
Mix Ingredients
Mix equal parts glue and baby powder, along with a craft paint color of your choice. The end result will be a thick paste. Make sure to mix thoroughly, breaking up all the little chunks of baby powder so your paste isn’t clumpy!
Paint On With Stencil
Next, tape on a stencil to whatever surface you’re painting. Then, with a scraper or other flat surface, apply the paste over the stencil, making sure to cover every part. You can experiment with apply the paint with a brush or a sponge or a steel-wool scrubbie to get different textures!
End Result
As you can see, the end result is a fun raised texture that gives the surface an interesting look along with some depth!
Try it out on a variety of surfaces!
See more in-depth instructions in the video below!
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