Keep Your Eye On The Drummer at the :26 Second Mark… What A Fantastic Performance!

The entire performance is great, but it’s the drumming of Mel Taylor that really blew us away.

You probably won’t see this very much these days, but it wasn’t very long ago that an instrumental rock band could not only exist in pop culture, but thrive. Such was the case for The Ventures, who needed no vocals to produce several hit songs during the 1960’s. The band, formed by Don Wilson and Bob Bogle in 1958, sold more than 100 million records and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2008. You might remember their hit songs such as “Walk Don’t Run,” or “Tequila.” One of our favorites was the 1963 hit, “Wipeout,” so we were thrilled to stumble across the following performance. In 1965, the group traveled to Japan (where they are still revered to this day) and put on a fantastic display, as per usual. But what really caught our eye was the performance by drummer Mel Taylor. See for yourself!

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