The 1950s was a time when many women wore heels and dresses daily, when even the smallest details were coordinated, and when there were definitive dos and don’ts of ladies fashion that were considered in poor taste to disregard. By the late 1960s many of these rules had already gone out the window as youth-centered fashions took over. There were no sweats or athleisure clothes back then and so even the most informal outfit would look coordinated by today’s standards. Here are some 1950s fashion rules that most people today just don’t seem to follow anymore.

1950s Fashions
Via: National Museum of Health and Medicine

No White After Labor Day

Once upon a time in the Gilded Age the wealthy of New York would escape the heat and dirt of the city in summertime to their “cottages” by the sea or in the mountains. In fact many East Coast cities had populations which left the cities when they could. The freedom from crowded streets gave way to summer breezes and fresh air. To keep them even cooler women wore white lace dresses and men wore light-colored linen suits. When “the season” came to an end around Labor Day they had to say goodbye to their summer whites as they would become soiled almost instantly in the dusty city littered with horse droppings and other unsightly waste. It became a saying to “never wear white after Labor Day” despite the fact washing machines, cars, and shorter hemlines have made this “rule” obsolete. Not to mention the fact that most folks don’t even have a summer home to escape to! However, even in the 1950s this advice was still followed.

NYC Woman in White Clothing 1950
Via: Romulo Lachatañeré/NYPL Digital Collections

Jewelry Should Be Worn in Sets

In the 1950s the matched jewelry craze hit a crescendo. Costume jewelry had become more popular starting in the 1920s and by the 1950s it was part of every woman’s wardrobe. Matched earrings, necklace, bracelet, and brooch sets were desirable, though they weren’t always worn all at once.

1950s street Photography Woman in Pearls
Via: Angel Rizzuto/Library of Congress

Pants Were Only for Informal Occasions

There was a time when pants were not worn for any and every occasion. Women wore pants in summer for vacations, or things like working on a farm or camping. The idea that one would go to school, work, or a formal event in pants was offensive to many. School dress codes restricted pants and jeans for girls and in some areas this persisted well into the 1970s.

New Yorkers in Summertime 1959
Via: Marion S.Trikosko/Library of Congress

Shoes Should Match Purse

Some have theorized that, as a reaction to the deprivation of the 1930s and 1940s that women reacted to fashion by wanting everything to match. One’s purse and shoes should be the same color, while the gloves and other accessories should at least coordinate. This didn’t always mean everything was the same color, but matched sets were not uncommon. This was also the era of the twinset, a short sleeve or sleeveless sweater with a matching cardigan to ensure that the wearer was always put together.

Matched Shoes and Bag 1950s Ad
Via: Ladies Home Journal/Internet Archive

Coordinate Your Gloves and Hat

During the 1950s gloves and a matching hat were considered standard for many women, though some adhered to this rule more than others. By the end of the decade youthful trends like pony tails affected hat wearing. At this time hats and gloves became far less common. But, back then a lot of older women in particular would have worn a hat every time they left the house.

Woman in Hat and Gloves 1957
Via: Angelo Rizzuto/Library of Congress

Lipstick and Nails Should Match

When lipstick and nail polish were first sold to the general public there was much disdain for women who wore them. But by the 1950s it was seen as elegant and the most sophisticated way to wear them was to make sure one’s lip and nail colors matched. Since the most popular colors were pink and red for both products this wasn’t that difficult to do. In fact many women would have only owned a few shades of each. This in in stark contrast to today with endless color choices when it comes to nail and lip color- and most women today don’t even worry about them matching.

Red Nails and Lipstick
Via: Laura Chouette/Unsplash
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