This 1938 Time Capsule Revealed a Special Photograph

What happens when a 93-year-old man gets a glimpse into a time capsule from his school days? Find out what this sweet man has to say.

Time capsules offer an amazing way to explore the events of the past because you learn what was important to the people who buried them. This video shows just how meaningful the objects within can be. A time capsule from 1938 was discovered inside the crumbling Center Middle School in Strongsville, Ohio. A photo found inside the capsule showed some of the students who were attending the school back then. 93-year-old WWII veteran Rodney Wheller was able to identify himself and his classmates in the photo, which reminded him of all the good times he has had in his life. It is truly amazing that the time capsule was found while Wheller is still around to enjoy it. The local news stations put a call out to help identify anyone else in the class photo. So far, Wheller is the only person identified. He says it’s good to be alive, despite the hardships he has faced. Watch the video below.

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