After Moving Into A New House, He Found A Secret Room In The Attic!
Amongst the usual attic items was something out of the ordinary…
After moving into a new house, one Reddit user by the name of Pimpinpinguino was checking out the attic when he stumbled across something intriguing. Amongst the usual attic items (dust, old Christmas decorations, etc…) was an interesting looking area protruding from the rest of the room; so he decided to investigate.
A view of the attic, with the obligatory Santa and Frosty appearance.
The interesting looking area that appears to be blocked off by a makeshift door.
Behind the makeshift door was a secret room!
The treasures awaiting to be discovered! Drumroll please…
A collection of baseball cards featuring some prominent players!
Including Seattle Mariner great and future Hall-of-Famer Ken Griffey Jr (quite a few to be specific).
A bizarre misprint for all-star Miguel Cabrera (that’s not his picture in the card…perhaps this error makes the card rare/valuable?).
Some older looking cards! This could be where the value is at.
What a cool discovery! Mickey Mantle cards in that good of condition, if authentic, have gone for quite the pretty penny. Have you ever found anything cool in your home? Let us know in the comments below!
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