9 Clever Ways To Fake High-End Christmas Decor
Get inspired for the holidays with these awesome ideas!
It’s that time of year again! We’re getting excited to start decorating for Christmas. Whether you’re someone who insists on holding off until after Thanksgiving, or someone who could barely wait past Halloween, we’ve got a few decorating ideas you will want to check out! We love shopping around for new decorations, but we don’t love the price tag that comes with a lot of our favorite looks. In the list below, we’ve found a few ways to fake these high-end looks for pennies on the dollar. Go ahead and check this list out and then get to decorating!
Snow-Dusted Tree
We’ve seen similar trees go for seventy-five dollars, or even several hundrends of dollars depending on the size of the tree. Did you know that you can easily get this look for about $12? Keep reading to see the easy three-step process!
First, mix equal parts water and glue. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray down your tree. Make sure to spread an old sheet or tarp out on the floor, or do this project outside. Once the tree is sprayed down, pour some flocking powder in a sifter and shake over the branches. Depending on the size of the tree, you may need to glue and powder in sections so the glue doesn’t dry out too quickly.
Pinecone Tree
Isn’t this super cute? What a great decor idea if you’re going with the rustic theme this year! We love the look of wood, lights, and classic Christmas colors.
For this project, grab a styrofoam cone and a bag of pinecones. For an extra special treat, you can pick up the scented pinecones and have this tree double as potpourri of sorts! Simply glue the pinecones on the base, and then decorate with lights, twine, berries, whatever you see fit.
Christmas Wreath
We absolutely love this elegant wreath! We’ve seen similar wreaths go for at least fifty dollars, but sometimes up above a hundred dollars depending on the size. See how to make this beautiful wreath with only a few easy steps.
Grab a grape vine wreath and a pack of coffee filters. Twist the coffee filters in the middle as shown above, and then glue them to the wreath in layers. Be forewarned, while this project is easy, it can be time consuming. Might be a good one to do with the kids and have them take turns! Once everything is dry, you can weave in lights or decorate with a bow.
Snow Candles
This one is the easiest one on the list, and it turned out great! Who doesn’t want a little sparkly snow in their holiday decor? Grab a few LED candles and some glitter of your choosing. Blue works great, but white on white could be fun, too, for a subtle hint of sparkle. Paint the candle with some Mod Podge and sprinkle the glitter on in layers, making sure the bottom gets the majority of the glitter, and then fading less and less once you get to the top.
Check out the other ideas in the video below!
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