6 Weirdest Food Trends In History

How many of these do you remember?

Throughout the years, we’ve had some interesting food trends. In the moment they seem to really live up to the hype, but once we get a little perspective and distance, it’s hard to believe we actually ate some of that stuff, let alone thought it was cool! Here’s a list of some of the weirdest food trends in history. How many of these do you remember?

Congealed Salads

There are certain words that should never be used to describe food. “Congealed” is one of them. This form of “salad” actually first popped into the mainstream in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. It was a way to present food and stretch what you had on hand. However, it didn’t really become a trend until the 60s and 70s. The combinations of “salads” were unlimited, it seemed. Everything from shrimp and ketchup to tuna and olives, all held together by some form of Jell-O.

Glitter Coffee

As pretty as this may look, would you actually drink it? Sure, edible glitter is nothing new, but in your coffee? We can thank the Instagram Era for this trend. If coffee glitter is anything like regular glitter, it must get everywhere! Too bad there aren’t any follow up pictures with the coffee drinkers having glitter all over their teeth!

Freeze-Dried Astronaut Food

We were obsessed with astronauts and space travel in the 60s. This lead to the discovery of freeze-dried foods, which is what the astronauts ate while aboard the space shuttle. People thought this was going to be the food of the future – it was compact, space saving, and efficient. Too bad they didn’t account for taste! But seriously, who remembers eating freeze-dried ice cream as a kid?

Rainbow And Galaxy Foods

Here’s another trend we can thank Instagram for. More and more, culture values appearance over substance (read as much into that as you want). With food, that means decedance with rainbow and galaxy everything. However, with so much food coloring and artificial ingredients, these products don’t always taste great. You gotta admit, even if it isn’t your thing, it definitely looks cool!

Cheese Tea

You read that right. Cheese. Tea. No, it isn’t tea made by steeping cheese, like the name might suggest. It’s iced tea topped with whipped cheese. Not that that really makes it much better. It sounds disgusting, but a ton of people swear by it. We just wonder who first came up with this odd combination!

Deep-Fried Everything

Discovering that we could pretty much deep-fry anything and everything set the trend for the 21st century. Aside from your classic onion rings, fries, and chicken, some noteable strange things that people fry include: soda, beer, oreos, pizza, cookie dough, and even beer!

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