There’s Nothing Like a 1950s Christmas!

Even if you aren’t a ’50s kid, these photos bring back so many Christmas memories.

“The Christmas tree at the Wilhelm Gutsch home is decorated with 1400 paper stars, all pasted with glitter. The German family makes the stars, each year, to adorn the big tree. Admiring the tree is a young friend of the family, five-year-old Rickie Kausch.” 1956. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Two trucks and a sailor outfit, 1959. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Via/ State Archives of Florida
“Craig & Joan Herring celebrating their birthday on Christmas day in Woodville, Florida.” 1953. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Miami, 1955. Via/ State Archives of Florida
1957. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Via/ State Archives of Florida
Human Christmas tree of singing choir members. Fort Myers, 1954. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Via/ State Archives of Florida
Christmas play, 1958. Via/ State Archives of Florida
Via/ State Archives of Florida
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