12 Things We Grew Up With That You Don’t See These Days

Do you ever stop and think about just how much things have changed since we were kids?

9. Washboards

It wasn’t so long ago that the best way to clean your clothes was to do it by hand with a washboard. Washers and dryers were high-end items when they first came out, and it took awhile for them to become mainstays in houses. One thing we definitely miss is the smell of clean clothes after they’ve been hung up to dry on a clothesline (in fact, we still take advantage of nice weather and dry our clothes this way from time to time).

10. Encyclopedias

Having a shelf stocked with an encyclopedia collection was the norm back in the days before the internet. While we won’t complain about the ease with which we can look up practically anything on the internet, we do miss the feeling of success we’d get after looking something up manually in one of our encyclopedias.

11. Alarm Clocks

It’s quite amazing to think about how many things our cell phones have replaced. We still love the look of an old alarm clock, but as far as functionality goes, they’re just not as useful these days. Soon, the old trope of a weary hand reaching out of bed to slap the button on an alarm clock will be a thing of the past as well!

12. Misleading Cookie Tin

This one might be a bit more personal, but bear with me. There were countless times when, as a kid, I would stumble across that royal blue tin of butter cookies. I would excitedly pop off the lid to the tin only to find sewing equipment and old buttons. This was quite the let down, as you can imagine, and it happened on several occasions.

We hope you enjoyed our trip back in time! Let us know what you thought of our list in the comments below. Did we forget anything?

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