During the First and Second World Wars the American people were urged by the government to reduce waste and increase efficiency. These efforts were in support of our troops and often addressed fears or reactions to rationing and shortages. While we don’t have those same kinds of impositions today, these money and resource-saving tips make good sense in light of rising prices, global warming, and decreasing skill levels in the domestic arts.

8) Don’t Waste Food

This should be a basic rule in every household! Not taking more than you can eat is a really easy way to cut down on food waste.

Via/ U.S. National Archives

7) Use Leftovers

Most of us know how good leftovers can be, but sometimes we need some reminding. It can be all too easy to just toss things after dinner is over, but it’s just not an efficient use of food!

Via/ U.S. National Archives

6) Make It Do

While “make do and mend” was technically a U.K. slogan, the phrasing caught on around the world. The idea was that everyday items could be repaired more often. While we can’t say that today’s goods are made with the same kind of quality as back in the Old Days, there are many items today that most people just don’t even bother to try to repair. But, the thrifty know that mending items can save money in the long run.

Via/ U.S. National Archives

5) Be Prepared

Today most of us aren’t preparing for air raids, but the motto of “be prepared” can be extremely helpful in an unexpected situation. Having a flashlight, batteries, tools, and a little bit of food put by can save a lot of hassle during an emergency like a storm or power outage.

Via/ Flickr

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