Have You Ever Wondered How Jukeboxes Are Built?

You won’t believe how many feet of wire it took to fully connect all the buttons on a 1958 jukebox! Watch how they were built in this fun video.

The many hours of fun we’ve had poking through the selections to see which of our favorite songs are on offer make jukeboxes a sentimental affair. We’ve spent many an evening or afternoon listening to the random assortment of songs in our favorite hangouts, with no chance of a dip in music because of the constant stream of kids with coins in their hands. If you ever wanted to know how these complex machines get built, then this video is for you! Watch as they string 1,000 feet of wire to each and every button and moving part! We can’t believe what a time-consuming task this was. The workmanship that went into these complicated devices is truly amazing. The bright-colored paint and glass chamber full of records from this 1958 high-fidelity model really takes us back. See the step-by-step of how the inner workings of a jukebox were assembled in this fascinating video.

Have a look at how dolls were made in the 1960s»

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