This 1963 Commercial Will Remind You Just How Charming John Cameron Swayze Was!

It’s been a long time since we thought about him or about Studebaker cars!

This 1963 Studebaker commercial with John Cameron Swayze reminds us of his straight-forward and charming manner. Swayze was well-known to his work in newscasting and also for his Timex “takes a licking” commercials. But, we also love him in this commercial for the new Studebaker Standard car. It’s a 2-door but certainly not a compact car- Not with all that head room! And, you own’t believe the very agreeable price!

It would be only 4 years after this commercial aired that the famous Studebaker car company we grew up with would cease operations and an American legend would be gone from the roads. For those of use who rode in these cars as kids, just seeing this commercial brings back a lot of memories. Have a look below. And, you can check out the very first TV commercial that ever aired right here.

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