Think You Know The Dick Van Dyke Show?

One of the funniest TV programs of the 1960s, The Dick Van Dyke show was a favorite. Take the quiz to see how much you remember from this fabulous show.

How well do you remember The Dick Van Dyke Show? We spent hours watching this TV classic. It was one of the best shows on at the time (and still is). Dick Van Dyke had a gift for the ridiculous and Mary Tyler Moore was the perfect counterpart in her little capri pants. The Petries were never too sweet or too simple and that is what made the show a hit. It didn’t hurt that Van Dyke and Moore both had dancing chops and could sway and stumble with the best of them. Being one of our favorites, we were surprised that we most definitely did not get all the answers right! This quiz was a hard one! Let us know in the comments how many you guessed correctly and what your favorite moments from the stellar program are.

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