This Doughnut Recipe From 1805 Still Tastes Delicious, And It’s So Simple Too!

This recipe is from Hannah Glasse’s 1805 cookbook, “The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy.”

You won’t find these at Krispy Kreme! the best doughnuts are the kind that can only be made by hand, not by machines!

Did you know doughnuts have been around the U.S. since the early 1800’s (and possibly earlier than that)? Although we wouldn’t recognize some of the recipes from that time, the following recipe from the 1805 edition of Hannah Glasse’s cookbook, “The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy,” sure looks delicious!

While it’s similar to the types of doughnuts you can get these days, it’s also totally different in some ways, and we’re willing to bet it’s way better than anything we’ve tried before!

Glasse intended to use her cookbook to help educate those going into domestic service for the wealthy English households, but her ideas spread to housewives and across the world to America. Luckily for us!

This historic recipe is quick and simple, and you’ll see how to make your own batch in the following video from Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc.

We love to see these old recipes come back to life, especially when they are this simple and delicious. Who knows? This recipe could become your new favorite doughnut recipe!

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