10 Incredible Predictions Of The Past That Came True!

You’ll be amazed at what people predicted… and how accurate they were!

Credit Cards

Credit cards became widely used in the late 1980s, but over a hundred years prior to the first credit card use, author Edward Bellamy describes an eerily similar concept in his 1888 utopian novel, “Looking Backward, 2000-1887.” In chapter nine of the book, one character explains to another how money exchange happens in the new world. “A credit corresponding to his share of the annual product of the nation is given to every citizen… and a credit card issued him with which he procures at the public storehouses, whatever he desires.” That is scarily accurate!


In one of his most famous books, Ray Bradbury describes with incredible accuracy the tiny earbuds we now use and see every day. The passage from Fahrenheit 451 says, “And in her ears the little seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind.” While the passage is beautiful and poetic, it is hard to ignore the similarities to today’s headphones!

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